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Monday, 22 April 2013


Preparing Line

But Daniel made up his mind not to defile himself by eating the food
and wine given to them by the king.
Daniel 1:8

There's a poet says, 'prepare the umbrella before its rain'.  This kind of poet have come from a lesson of life.  It means that we must preparing the strategy of life before facing problems.
Daniel was set the same examinations while at exile's Babylon.  He and their friends committed to a holy life.  Daniel rejected glamour  rich food and wine give by the king. 
Israel religion consume that God's people who want to live a holy life should not eat such kind of rabbit, pig, and others which describe in Leviticus.  These forbidden was the planning to fulfill the goal of life being redemption by God in New Testament (Mark 7:19; I Corinthians 6:12).
Preparing line are the wise strategic for life.  If we want to go outside while very thick grey cloud, we should take umbrella.  When rains pouring, umbrella will protect us.  A life that prepare for God just like open umbrella which will be protect our life.  First, we should begin with full commitment and preparing the goodliness life.
In school, a lot of students  cheating on a tests.  In work, labour cheating  with time and money.  All people event know what is wright and wrong doesn't mean they will do the honest way.
Every believer in Jesus Christ should life in holiness if they want the truest life with God.  These kind of life only goes well when they set up the border according to God's Words.
Lets we start every day with pray and Bible reading so God direct us each days, each morning by His lovingly grace.  Lets us warn our self continually with the line we have to prepare to facing everyday life.   Prepare the line, right now  with your commitment to Him.  May God help us!

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